WPATH March Notes Media
See below for the wonderful Word Cloud that came from the harvest. The explanation from the narrative reads:
“The size of each word is a function of how many times the word appeared in the transcription of the Harvest – the larger the word, the more times it appeared in the Harvest. In addition, words in the cloud remain true to the way in which they appeared in the Harvest. So for example, the word “community” appears in all lower?case (community), all upper?case (COMMUNITY) and mixed?case (Community).”
WPATH member Marie Keller
Here is a quote from attendee of the Los Angeles gathering, WPATH member and Clinical Psychologist Max Fuhrmann, Ph.D. about the event, “It was great to see such a diverse turnout of over 100 people from all levels of involvement in the burgeoning transgender community. As a person who found virtually no interest or services for transgendered men, when I first moved to Los Angeles in the late 1970s, it was exciting to visually observe the progress and feel the abundant energy.”