Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae


Lin Fraser EdD

204 Clement Street

San Francisco, CA 94118





Licensed Psychotherapist in private practice 1976 – present.

Specialty in long-term depth-oriented psychotherapy across the lifespan.

Online counseling- specialist certification since 2006.

Gender specialization, certified by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) in Standards of Care 7; v8 (in progress)

Saint Francis Memorial Hospital, San Francisco, CA

Allied Health Professional Medical Staff


Gender Institute -Executive Committee

World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)

Founder, Developer, Trainer; Global Education Institute (GEI)

Co-Chair, Ethics Committee

Lead- Global Mental Health Mentor Program



Duke University, B.A. Psychology (in 3 years) minor in Religion and Ethics   1967 (W.C- Women’s College).

Summer School: Stanford University (Psychology and Ethics) Radcliffe College (Secretarial School for graduates of Women’s Colleges) 1966.

San Francisco State University, M.A. Counseling 1975.

University of San Francisco, EdD. Counseling Psychology (subspecialty in Education Department) 1991.


Post-Graduate Training

Internships: Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic, 1972; Fort Help, 1973-1979.

Postgraduate Professional Training: Human Sexuality Training, UCSF, and San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute; National Council on Alcoholism Professional Training; Family Therapy Institute of Marin; San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute Yearlong Program for Professionals in Psychoanalysis (Year 1) in Sex and Gender (Year 2), C.G. Jung Institute Seminars for Professionals.

Specialized training and certification in online counseling.

Specialized training and certification in Global Mental Health Facilitation.

Specialized training in Transgender Health, Course developer, and trainer in WPATH certification process.

Consultation: Group Peer Consultation: Founder, Bay Area Gender Associates, 1986-2019.  Individual consultation: Paul Walker, Ph.D., founding President of HBIGDA, 1983-1986. Jean Shinoda Bolen M.D, Author, Activist, and Jungian Analyst, 1986 to 2019.


License, Certification, Credential & Award

California Marriage and Family Therapist, MFT8288, 1976.

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor LPCC1816, 2015.

National Credentialed Counselor, NCC 17402, 1987.

Pupil Personnel Worker, California Community College System, Instructor, Psychology, California Community College System, 1975.

Distance Credentialed Counselor, DCC 553, (Internet Counseling Credential), 2006.

Mental Health Facilitator  (MHF) from NBCC International, Center for Credentialing & Education, Kigali, Rwanda Aug 2015.

Board Certified Telemental Health Provider #1320, October 2018- present.

Certification in WPATH Standards of Care 7.

Lifetime Distinguished Service Award – “For your significant contribution to HBIGDA/WPATH and transgender health over the course of your career”. November 2018.


Professional Associations and Organizations

WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) formerly HBIGDA (Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association), founding professional member and President (2011-2014). Board of Directors, 2010 – present. Founder and co-lead, Global Education Initiative (GEI) 2013 present, Course Developer and Trainer 2015-present. Lead -Advanced Mental Health, Co-Lead, Advanced Ethics, Co-Lead, Mentoring and Certification, Strategic Planning, Co-author Standards of Care 1,7 (Lead-Telehealth) and 8 (Co-Lead, Education, Ethics), Co-Chair-Ethics Committee.

Saint Francis Memorial Hospital – Consultant- January 2015 – current.

Co-Chair – Gender Council – by unanimous election June 2020.

Medical Staff – Allied Health Professional – Summer 2020- current

APA (American Psychological Association), clinical member, Division 46 (Media Psychology), Division 52 (International Psychology), Divisions 39 (Psychoanalysis), Division 44 (LGBT), Division 36 (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality).

CAMFT (California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists), Clinical Member.

ISMHO (International Society Mental Health Online)– member until defunct 2013.

Telebehavioral Health Institute – Ongoing training.


Publications and Internet





Fraser, L & Knudson, G (2019) Education Needs of Providers of Transgender Population in Tangpricha, V (Ed.) Transgender Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, Special issue, Vol 48, Number 2, pp.465-477. Elsevier, Philadelphia.

Fraser, L (2018), Integrative and Ethical Treatment of Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Adults in Carlozzi, A & Choate, K (2018) Helping Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Persons: A Handbook for Health Professionals, Educators and Families.




Karasic, D & Fraser, L (2018) Multidisciplinary Care and the Standards of Care for Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Individuals in Schechter, L & Safa, B. (Eds.) Gender Confirmation Surgery, Clinics in Plastic Surgery Special Issue, Vol 45, Issue 3, pp 295-299. Elsevier, Philadelphia.




Fraser, L & Knudson, G (2017), Past and Future Challenges Associated with Standards of Care for Gender Transitioning Clients in Carroll, L & Mizock, L (2017) Clinical Issues and Affirmative Treatment with Transgender Clients, Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 2017 Elsevier, Philadelphia.


Fraser, L & Knudson, G (2017) The WPATH Standards of Care in Bouman, W & Arcelus, J  (Ends) The Transgender Handbook, A Guide for Transgender People, Their Families, and Professionals, Nova Science Publishers, New York.




Fraser, L & DeCuypere, G (2016) Psychotherapy with Transgender People in Ettner, R, Monstrey, S & Coleman, E (Eds), (2016), Principles of Transgender Medicine and Surgery, 2nd Edition, Routledge, New York & London.




Fraser, L (2015) Standards of Care, Transgender Health, The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, First Edition. Edited by Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Fraser, L & Knudson, G (2015) Gender Dysphoria and Transgender Health in ABC of Sexual Health, 3rd Edition. Wylie, K (ed). Wiley.

Fraser, L (2015). Gender Dysphoria: Definition and Evolution Through the Years in Management of Gender Dysphoria, A Multidisciplinary Approach. Eds. Carlo Trombetta, Springer.

Pre – 2015

Coleman et al, WPATH Standards of Care, Version 7 2011. I am one of 10 members on the writing committee.

Fraser, L (2010), Recommendations for Revision of the DSM Diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder in Adults. International Journal of Transgenderism, 12:80-85 (with Drs. Dan Karasic, Walter Meyer and Kevan Wylie).

Fraser, Lin (2009) Etherapy: Ethical and Clinical Considerations for Version 7 of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care. International Journal of Transgenderism; Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 247-263.

Fraser, Lin (2009) Depth psychotherapy with transgender people. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 24:2,126—142).

Fraser, Lin (2009) Psychotherapy in the Standards of Care, International Journal of Transgenderism, 1434-4599, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 110 – 126.

Classification, Assessment and Management of Gender Identity Disorders in the Adult Male: A Manual for Counselors, 1991, Doctoral Dissertation, University of San Francisco.

Transgender Identity Issues, A Binder for Graduate Students (with William Henkin, Ph.D.), 1996.

Therapy with Transgender People Across the Life Span (edited version) Division 44 Newsletter, Summer 2005.

Therapy with Transgender People Across the Life Span (expanded version) ACA AGLBIC Newsletter 2006.

Can Same Sex-Schooling Survive? A Forum at Grace Cathedral.

Addressing Psycho-Social Issues in the Transgender Client, Transgender Care Conference. May 2000.

Observations About Transgender People, Talk at ETVC, 1999

Training/ Consulting/ Legal

1st WPATH Online Training in Trans Health- Foundations in Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health, May 2020.

Training in Hanoi, Vietnam, First Training for Medical and Mental Health Professionals in Trans Health in Vietnam for NGO SCDI. January 14-17, 2020.

Expert Witness in Edmo v. Dept Of Corrections et al, April 2019 case 1:17 cv-151 (Fed District Ct of Idaho) Surgery Evaluation and Referral Letter, non-testifying expert for the Plaintiff.

Emergency Medical Evaluation Services- Contractor with Department of State Hospitals, Napa State Hospital, to Feb 1, 2019.

Expert Witness for the Obama Administration Justice Department, United States of America v State of North Carolina, Case No 1:16-cv00425, so called “bathroom bill”.  2016-2017.


2016 – present.  Professional Consultant for Saint Francis Memorial Hospital as part of “core team” for TGH (Transgender Health Program).


Consultant/Member – LGBT Health Collaborative, 2016- present

Consultant to Benefits Department, Oracle Corporation, May 2015.

Expert witness in Domainlor Cabading vs. Cal Baptist University, July 2014.

Training for Cal Berkeley Health Care Professionals – Transgender Clinical Care Across the Lifespan, June 3, 2014.

Training for Stanford Medical Residents, Transgender Care Across the Lifespan, August 2013.

Report for Transgender Law Center petitioning nondiscrimination of transgender pilot, December 2010.

Report for Prison Law Project Advocating Treatment for Transgender inmate August 2010.

Training for 3PAR Corporation, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, Feb 12, 2010.

All-day seminar for psychotherapists on Gender Variant and Transgender Identities, Clinical and Ethical Issues in Bakersfield, California, February 27, 2009. For information on this seminar, see

Training for State Fund, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, June 2005.

Training for Primavera Corporation, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, Nov 17, 2003.

Staff Training on Transgender Issues, University Health Services, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, Oct. 8, 1999.

Staff Training on Transgender Health Care, Dept. of Veteran Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, April 15, 1998.

Two-Day Seminar on Gender Identity Issues for doctoral psychology students at CSPP (with Dr. William Henkin), 1995-1997.

Training of members of Episcopal Church regarding transitioning member, Benicia, CA Jan. 1997.

Training for Naval Post Graduate School regarding transitioning TG Employee, May 24 1996.

Training for State Fund regarding transitioning executive employee, San Francisco and Los Angeles, May 1995.

Prior to 1995, I did trainings at San Quentin, Family Therapy Institute of Marin, San Francisco State University Departments of Counseling as well as Psychology among others. Served as professional advisor to lawyers and as expert witness in various court cases relating to trans issues.



Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations. 1stOnline WPATH Training Series May 2020. Introduction to Foundations and Moderator for 3 two hour Panel Case Discussions.

GEI Video-Series – Online mini- talks on telehealth by interdisciplinary global providers.

Lecture on “Transgender Health Across the Lifespan” with Scott Leibowitz MD, April 1, 2020 for AMSA with Dr Masina Wright, Moderator.

Lecture on “Ethical Considerations in Transgender Health” with Jamison Green MD, April 8, 2020 for AMSA with Dr. Masina Wright, Moderator.

Global Education Initiative Invitational Series of Lectures and Workshops in Hanoi Vietnam, Jan 14-17, 2020.Welcome, A Global Education Initiative (Jan 14), Ethics (January 15) Advanced Mental Health, Psychotherapy Across the Lifespan, Using the Competencies, Complicated Case Studies (January 16).


Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations.  Riverside, CA Nov 9, 10, 2019.  Welcome Lecture, Moderator in Ethics, Child and Adolescent care, Mental Health care.

Plastic Surgery, The Meeting, ASPS, September 20, 2019. Caring for the Transitioning Client from the Mental Health perspective.

USPATH and GEI, Washington DC   September 2019.                                                                               Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global         Education Initiative Foundations                                                                           Opening Recap,                                                                                                                   Advanced Mental Health, Psychotherapy in the SOC and Across the Lifespan of      Transgender Adults, WPATH Perspectives                                                                    Advanced Ethics with Dr Jamison Green                                                              Etherapy: Ethical and Clinical Considerationswith Dr Gail Knudson

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations.   Psychotherapy Across the Lifespan and Ethical Challenges in transgender Care, Whitehorse, Yukon Territories, June 13, 2019.

Surgery and Beyond, A WPATH-Saint Francis Joint Conference, May 30, 31, June 1, 2019.             Caring for the Transitioning Client May 30.                                                                            SOC8 – Education and Ethics Update, June 1

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, New Orleans, LA.  Welcome- A Global Education Initiative, Mental Health and Ethics. Mar 21-24, 2019.




WPATH Symposium Buenos Aires, November 2-6 2018.                                                            Invited plenary speaker Award for a lifetime of service. Service and Stewardship,        Reflections on our history and Heritage – 40 Years as a Gender Therapist. Nov 5,   2018.

SOC8 – Education & Ethics with Dr Gail Knudson

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care,    

            Global Education Initiative Foundation. GEI Welcome to the Course

GEI Advanced Courses- Best Practices in Mental Health, Psychotherapy Across      the Adult Lifespan.                                                                                                                    Ethical Challenges in Transgender Health Nov 4, 2018


Saint Francis Training for Nurses on WPATH Standards of Care and Mental Health of the Transgender Patient,  October 24, 2018.


Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, PalmSprings, CA September 21-23, 2018. Welcome, Advanced Mental Health and Foundations in Mental Health, Moderator. 


Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations NewCanaan, CT, Aug 18, 2018. Psychotherapy in the SOC and Across the Lifespan of Transgender Adults.


The Psychotherapy Institute Spring Symposium, Building Best Care for Transgender and Gender Expansive People, with Diane Ehrensaft PhD, Erica Anderson, PhD and Shawn Giammattei PhD, Berkeley, CA April 21, 2018.




Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations,Columbus, Ohio, October 19-22, 2017   Advanced Psychotherapy with Julie Graham MFT   Letter Writing and Documentation with Julie Graham MFT Standards of Care.

SOC8 -Competencies to Write Letters of Support, EPATH, April 27, 2017, presented by Gail Knudson MD, Belgrade Serbia.


USPATH and GEI Los Angeles, CA, Jan 31 – Feb 5, 2017.

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global      Education Initiative Foundations

Opening Recap, Jan 31, 2017

Advanced Mental Health, Psychotherapy in the SOC and Across the Lifespan of      Transgender Adults, WPATH Perspectives Feb 1, 2017

GEI Documentation and Letter Writing Feb 2, 2017

Building an Adolescent Program (Moderator) with Saint Francis Transgender        Health Program Group Feb 3, 2017

From WPATH to USPATH, Reflections on our History and Heritage with Scott         Moser and Jamison Green _ Feb 3, 2017

Trauma, Complex Cases and the Role of Psychotherapy (Discussant) with SJ Langer, Jack Pula and Aron Janssen – Feb 4, 2017

SOC 8 Forum with Dan Karasic, Eli Coleman, Loren Schechter, Vin Tangpricha, Nate Sharon – Feb 5, 2017





Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations,Arlington, Virginia, Dec 3, 4 2016.

Advanced Psychotherapy with Dr Faughn Adams

Letter Writing and Documentation with Dr Gail Knudson

Standards of Care


Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, Ft Lauderdale Sept 27, 2016.

GEI Welcome to the Course

GEI Advanced Course- Best Practices in Mental Health, Psychotherapy Across       the Adult Lifespan, September 27, 2016

Standards of Care 8


A Day long Training, WPATH, JPATH, Global Education Initiative July 2016 International Congress of Psychology Yokohama, Japan, July 23, 2016.

Psychotherapy Across the Lifespan of Transgender Adults

Introduction to WPATH and the Standards of Care with Dr Gail Knudson, Yuko Higashi, Jun Kohl, Scott Leibowitz, Gail Knudson


WPATH Symposium Amsterdam, June 17-21, 2016.

WPATH Standards of Care, Evolution Over the Years 1979-present

Trauma, Complex Cases and the Role of Psychotherapy with SJ Langer and Aron Janssen

Global Education Initiative Pre-Course Moderator

Global Education Initiative Co-Chair Global Competency meeting


Building Best Care for Gender Nonconforming People Across the Lifespan: Aging, April 14, 2016, California Psychological association, Continuing Education Institute, Los Angeles, Ca.


Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, Springfield, MO- Mar 30- Apr 1, 2016.

Psychotherapy Across the Lifespan

Standards of Care

Letter Writing and Documentation with Dr Faughn Adams


Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, Atlanta – Jan 20-23, 2016.

Course Intro with Dr. Gail Knudson

Standards of Care with Dr. Gail Knudson

WPATH Past, Present, Future with Drs. Gail Knudson & Jamison Green

Psychotherapy in the SOC and Across the Lifespan




WPATH, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, WPATH Global Education Initiative, Chicago, Illinois, Nov 7, 2015 (with Drs. Gail Knudson & Jamison Green).

Psychotherapy, Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, WPATH Global Education Initiative, Chicago, Illinois, Nov 6, 2015.

From Treating Transsexualism to Promoting Transgender Health, WPATH History and Professional Evolution, Transgender Beyond Disorder, New Paradigms and SOC7. SFSU Summer Institute, San Francisco, CA, June 19, 2015.

Psychotherapy with the Aging Transgender Client, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 18, 2015.

WPATH Perspectives on Major Issues in Trans Health (Moderator), National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 17, 2015.

Emergent Issues, Controversies and Ethics as we evolve outside the binary. National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 17, 2015.

Standards of Care 7.x: Questions for the Next Revision, European Professional Association for Transgender Health 1stSymposium, Ghent, Belgium, Mar 13, 2015.



President’s Welcome Plenary, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok Thailand, February 15, 2014.

Long-term Psychotherapy in Advances in Transgender Care, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, February 15, 2014.



Opening Plenary (delivered via Skype), 1st Trans Care Conference for the Confederation of Independent States, Moscow, Russia, November 11, 2013.

Psychotherapy from the Heart in the WPATH Standards of Care, Invited Plenary, World Association for Sexual Health 21stConference, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 23rd, 2013.

Opening Welcome Plenary at National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, and Spring 2013.

Interdisciplinary complex cases, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

WPATH Global Education Initiative, Panel on Transgender Education and Training, National Transgender Health summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Advanced Psychotherapy Cases with Trans People, Moderator, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.


Shifting Paradigms: Breaking with Pathology, Affirming Gender Diversity.  Keynote Address, CPATH Biennial Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada Sept 22 2012.

Transgender Beyond Disorder: WPATH, New Paradigms & Global Connections, WPATH/UCSF/CENESEX, Forum at SFGH, May 23, 2012.

Transgender Care Across the Lifespan: Psychotherapy and Aging. AAGP Annual Meeting, Washington DC, March 18, 2012.

Transgender Beyond Disorder: New Paradigms and the SOC7 in II Colloquium “Trans Identidades, Género y Cultura”.  The 6th Cuban Congress on Sexual Education, Counseling and Therapy, Havana, Cuba, January 24, 2012.



Meet the Presidents, WPATH Vision and Goals, with Jamison Green PhD and Walter Bockting PhD, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, September 28, 2011.

Implementation of version 7 of the WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, with the SOC7 Writing Committee, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, September 28, 2011.

Plans for the 2014 WPATH International Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA September 26, 2011.

Transgender mental health care across the lifespan, Aging and the transgender person, WPATH 2011 Biennial Symposium, Atlanta, GA. September 26, 2011.

Launch of version 7 of the WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, Plenary with Eli Coleman PhD, WPATH 2011 Biennial Symposium, Atlanta GA, September 26, 2011.

WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, with Jamison Green PhD, Eli Coleman, PhD, Jamie Feldman MD, WPATH Sponsored Symposium at Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Site, Atlanta, GA, September 23, 2011.

Observations about transgender people: 40 Years of Practice as a gender therapist, Presentation at Southern Comfort Conference, Atlanta, GA, September 22, 2011.

 WPATH Day-to-Day, then and now, Standards of Care and trans men Keynote at the Robert Eads Health Fair, Atlanta, GA. September 22, 2011.

WPATH Day-to-Day, Professionals Workshop at Gender Spectrum Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 29, 2011.

Mental Health Care Across the Lifespan, Psychotherapy and Aging, American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011.

Mental Health Care Across the Lifespan, Psychotherapy and Aging, Plenary Lunch, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

Co-Occurring Mental Health Issues in Transpeople: DID and GID with Dan Karasic MD, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

WPATH Symposium with Walter Bockting PhD and Jamison Green PhD, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

Transgender Mental Health Issues. Transgender Health Lecture Series (for medical students), UCSF, February 2, 2011.


2010 and before

Transgender Care Across the Lifespan, Aging and the Transgender Person, Northern California Psychiatric Society Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, Mar 21, 2010.

Transition Issues for Transpeople with Dissociative Identity Disorder (with Dan Karasic MD), XXI Biennial Symposium, WPATH, Oslo, June 20, 2009.

Transgender Identity Development and Depression, Pre-Symposium for CME Credit, XX Biennial Symposium, WPATH, Chicago, Sept 5, 2007.

2007 Web-Based Transgender Care, Ethical and Clinical Considerations, Plenary Lecture, XX Biennial Symposium, WPATH, Chicago, Sept 7, 2007.

Shadow Side of the Paradigm Shift; When Politically Correct is not Psychologically Correct. Panel presentation at the 19th International Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Bologna, Italy, April 6-9, 2005.

The Transgender Phenomenon: Psychodynamic Viewpoint. Opening Plenary lecture presented at the 18th International Symposium of the Harry Benjamin international Gender Dysphoria Association, Gent, Belgium, Sept. 10-13, 2003.

Psychotherapy With Transgender People/ Across the Lifespan. Plenary Lecture presented at Association of Gay & Lesbian Psychiatrists pre APA Conference “Beyond Coming Out, LGBT Mental Health Across the Lifespan”, San Francisco, CA, May 17, 2003.

Providing Therapeutic Care Outside the Binary Gender System. Plenary Panel at the 17th International Symposium of the HBIGDA, Galveston, Texas, Oct.31-Nov.4, 2001.

Nurturing the Emotional, Moral, and Spiritual Development of Boys. Paper presented at the National Association of Episcopal Schools Biennial Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 17, 2000.

What About Boys? The Case for Single-Sex Education: One School’s Perspective. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Boys School Coalition Conference “Bridge to the Future: Mentoring Boys in the New Millennium”. San Francisco, CA. June 25-28, 2000.

Transgender Identity Development. Paper presented at Transgender Care Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 5, 2000.

Normative Transgender Identity Development. Paper presented at the California Dreamin’ Conference, April 2000.

Can Same-Sex Schooling Survive? Speaker at the Forum at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA, May 17, 1999.

Psychotherapy with TG People: A Jungian Perspective. Paper presented to American Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 1998.

Observations About Transgender People. Paper presented at California Dreamin’ Conference, San Francisco, CA May 1998.

A Transgender Issues Consultation Group in the San Francisco Bay Area. Panel member at the 15th International Symposium of the HBIGDA, Vancouver, Canada, Sept 1997.

Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Psychotherapy, Paper presented at the 1st FTM International Conference, San Francisco, Ca. April 1997.

Earlier presentations for the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Conference on Sexual Compulsivity, Addiction, ETVC and other trans organizations, Pan American World Airways among others.

Public and Professional Service

WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health): President 2011-2014. President-Elect 2009-2011.Global Education Initiative, Co-Chair 2013- present.  Development Committee, Co-Chair- 2013- present. Board of Directors 2007-present.  SOC7 (2012) (Standards of Care) co-author.  Responsibilities included Adult Psychotherapy and Web-Based Transgender Care. SOC8- Co-Lead- Education & Ethics.

Steering Committee & Reviewer- WPATH 26th International Symposium, Online, November 2020.

Interview as elder for Transgender Archives, from Chair in Transgender Studies, February 2020.

Partnership with PAHO- WHO in Online Training in Transgender Health for Latin America and Caribbean Providers and others. 2019 – 2020.

Reviewer, Gay and Lesbian Health- 2019-present.

Co-Lead GEI Slide Deck Refinement Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, Jan 10-13, 2019.

Reviewer, WPATH 25th International Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2018.

Participant in Story Corps with Walter Bockting recorded in LA at USPATH Feb 4, 2017 interviewed by Maya Chung.


WADA Document – 2017 World Anti-Doping Agency, Consultant on Document Relating to Appropriate Hormone Use of Trans Individuals.


Reviewer, WPATH 24th International Symposium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2016.

Training in Mental Health Facilitation, Kigali, Rwanda, August 2015.

Asian Pacific Trans Health Blueprint, Reviewer, April 2015.

Conference Co- Chair, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand. February 2014.

Co-Chair Mental Health Track, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Technical Consultation for the development of Blueprint for provision of care to Transgender persons in Latin America and the Caribbean- Group Member, sponsored by PAHO, Washington DC, Dec 19-21-2011.  Trinidad, Spring 2013.

Journal of Sexual Medicine- Reviewer, 2013-current.

Convener of International Experts in the Development of Trans Diagnosis in ICD-10, San Francisco, CA, Feb 2013.

International Journal of Transgender Health: Editorial Board, 2006-present; reader and reviewer.

Conference on Family Law: Consultant/Participant, June 2006.

Transgender Mental Health Guidelines: Reviewer 2005.

Cathedral School for Boys: Board of Trustees, 1996-2002, Chair-Education Policy Committee, 1997-2002, Chair and Founder, Gender Issues and Boys Study Committee, 1997-2002,Cathedral School for Boys: Consultant and Co-Chair, Boys Study Committee- 2005-2008.

Duke University: Alumni Admissions Interviewer for Northern California- 2002-present.

The Urban School of San Francisco: Senior Endowment Committee, Chair 2003-2004, Diversity Committee, 2000-2004, Nominating Committee Chair-2002-2004.

Church Divinity School of the Pacific: reader for doctoral dissertation on “The Spiritual Life of Boys”? 2004.

University of California San Francisco, Supervisor of Psychiatry Resident, 1998.

California School of Professional Psychology Adjunct Faculty, 1995-1997, Co- taught course – Gender Identity Issues.

TGSF (Transgender San Francisco, formerly ETVC); professional advisor and consultant for phone line for transgender peer counseling, 1990-1992.

Bay Area Gender Associates (BAGA): founder and participant: 1986 – current.

Pacific Center, Group Facilitator, TV/TS Rap Group, 1978-1981.

Lone Mountain (University of San Francisco) Adjunct Faculty, 1979-1981.



The Case of John Brown 2007 Form Media, UK, Channel 1.

Sex Change, Her to Him 2006 Beyond, Australia.

Changing Sexes, Follow-up 2005 Discovery Channel Changing Sexes, Female to Male 2003 Discovery Channel.

Changing Sexes, Male to Female 2002 Discovery Channel.

The Blank Point- What is Transsexualism? 1992 Award-winning Independent Film.

A Question of Gender 1986 Independent Film.

Easing Stress 1979 Pan Am Training Film.


Interviewed on CNN, Discovery Channel, KPFA, KTVU, Learning Channel, KPIX and others Print Media Interviewed for San Francisco Chronicle, Bay Times, Independent, Guardian, CNN Print Version, Blender, Baltimore Sun, New York Times, XPress and others.

Nonprofessional training:

Outward Bound School, Colorado Summer 1976; Yosemite Mountaineering School 1977; Advanced First Aid Teacher and Emergency Medicine Training 1978; Mountain Medicine and Outdoor Survival Skills Training 1979; Private Pilot Instruction & Solo Flight 1972.

International/Intercultural/Future Directions

One of youngest transatlantic commercial airline passengers- America to UK 1947. Expat for many years.  Lived in Wales and Brazil as a child.  Visited parents in Mexico and Iran as young adult. Much international travel my entire life.

Conversant in Spanish and Portuguese.

Pan American World Airways, 1967-1976.  Flight Attendant. Taken off flight status for 2 years to develop training programs in Communication for PAA Flight Service, Course Developer, Train the Trainer and Video Producer on Communication and Cross Cultural Communication, 1976-1979.

Foreign Language Institute, Moscow, USSR-Winter-1970.

Tom Dooley Foundation (now InterMed): volunteer researcher in remote mountain villages in Nepal, 1974-5.

Kibbutz Menara: volunteer in upper Galilee, Israel, summer 1973.

Member – World Affairs Council.

Future plans include continued travel and doing international training and therapy online.


Married, one child.

Primary interests include people, cultures, world affairs, travel, reading, cooking and technology.






Curriculum Vitae


Lin Fraser EdD

204 Clement Street

San Francisco, CA 94118



Psychotherapist in private practice 1976-present.


Duke University, B.A. Psychology (in 3 years) 1967

Summer School: Stanford University, Radcliffe College.

San Francisco State University, M.A. Counseling 1975.

University of San Francisco, EdD. Counseling Psychology 1991.

Post-Graduate Training

Internships: Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic, 1972; Fort Help, 1973-1979.

Postgraduate Professional Training: Human Sexuality Training, UCSF and San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute; National Council on Alcoholism Professional Training; Family Therapy Institute of Marin; San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute Yearlong Program for Professionals; C.G. Jung Institute Seminars for Professionals.

Specialized training and certification in online counseling.

Consultation: Group Consultation: Bay Area Gender Associates, 1986-current.  Individual consultation: Paul Walker PhD, founding President of HBIGDA, 1983-1986. Jean Shinoda Bolen M.D, Author, Activist and Jungian Analyst, 1986 to present.

Certification and License

California Marriage and Family Therapist, MFT8288, 1976.

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor LPCC1816, 2015

National Credentialed Counselor, NCC 17402, 1987.

Pupil Personnel Worker, California Community College System, Instructor, Psychology, California Community College System, 1975.

Distance Credentialed Counselor, DCC 553, (Internet Counseling Credential), 2006.

Mental Health Facilitator (MHF) from NBCC International, Center for Credentialing & Education, Aug 2015

Professional Associations

WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) formerly HBIGDA (Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association), founding professional member and President (2011-2014), Co-Chair Global Education Initiative (GEI), 2014-present.

APA (American Psychological Association), clinical member, Division 46 (Media Psychology), Division 52 (International Psychology), Divisions 39 (Psychoanalysis), Division 44 (LGBT), Division 36 (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality).

CAMFT (California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists), Clinical Member.

ISMHO (International Society Mental Health Online)– member.

Publications and Internet



In process for 2018

Fraser, L (2018), Integrative and Ethical Treatment of Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Adults in Carlozzi, A & Choate, K (2018) Helping Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Persons: A Handbook for Heath Professionals, Educators and Families


Karasic, D & Fraser, L (2018) Multidisciplinary Care and the Standards of Care for Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Individuals in Schechter, L & Safa, B. (Eds.) Gender Confirmation Surgery, Clinics in Plastic Surgery Special Issue, Vol 45, Issue 3, pp 295-299. Elsevier, Philadelphia.


Fraser, L & Knudson, G (2017), Past and Future Challenges Associated With Standards of Care for Gender Transitioning Clients in Carroll, L & Mizock, L (2017) Clinical Issues and Affirmative Treatment with Transgender Clients, Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 2017 Elsevier, Philadelphia.

Fraser, L & Knudson, G (2017) The WPATH Standards of Care in Bouman, W & Arcelus, J (Ends) The Transgender Handbook, A Guide for Transgender People, Their Families, and Professionals, Nova Science Publishers, New York.


Fraser, L & DeCuypere, G (2016) Psychotherapy With Transgender People in Ettner, R, Monstrey, S & Coleman, E (Eds), (2016), Principles of Transgender Medicine and Surgery, 2nd Edition, Routledge, New York & London.


Fraser, L (2015) Standards of Care, Transgender Health, The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, First Edition. Edited by Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Fraser, L & Knudson, G (2015) Gender Dysphoria and Transgender Health in ABC of Sexual Health, 3rd Edition. Wylie, K (ed). Wiley.

Fraser, L (2015). Gender Dysphoria: Definition and Evolution Through the Years in Management of Gender Dysphoria, A Multidisciplinary Approach. Eds. Carlo Trombetta, Springer,

Pre – 2015

Coleman et al, WPATH Standards of Care, Version 7 2011. I am one of 10 members on the writing committee.

Fraser, L (2010), Recommendations for Revision of the DSM Diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder in Adults. International Journal of Transgenderism, 12:80-85 (with Drs. Dan Karasic, Walter Meyer and Kevan Wylie).

Fraser, Lin (2009) Etherapy: Ethical and Clinical Considerations for Version 7 of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care. International Journal of Transgenderism; Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 247-263.

Fraser, Lin (2009) Depth psychotherapy with transgender people. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 24:2,126—142).

Fraser, Lin (2009) Psychotherapy in the Standards of Care, International Journal of Transgenderism, 1434-4599, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 110 – 126.

Classification, Assessment and Management of Gender Identity Disorders in the Adult Male: A Manual for Counselors, 1991, Doctoral Dissertation, University of San Francisco.

Transgender Identity Issues, A Binder for Graduate Students (with William Henkin, Ph.D.), 1996.

Therapy with Transgender People Across the Life Span (edited version) Division 44 Newsletter, Summer 2005.

Therapy with Transgender People Across the Life Span (expanded version) ACA AGLBIC Newsletter 2006.

Can Same Sex-Schooling Survive? A Forum at Grace Cathedral

Addressing Psycho-Social Issues in the Transgender Client, Transgender Care Conference May 2000.

Observations About Transgender People, Talk at ETVC, 1991

Training/ Consulting/ Legal

Expert Witness for the Obama Administration Justice Department, United States of America v State of North Carolina, Case No 1:16-cv00425, so called “bathroom bill”. 2016-2017.

2016 – present. Professional Consultant for Saint Francis Memorial Hospital as part of “core team” for TGH (Transgender Health Program).

Consultant/Member – LGBT Health Collaborative, 2016- present

Consultant to Benefits Department, Oracle Corporation, May 2015

Expert witness in Domainlor Cabading vs. Cal Baptist University, July 2014.

Training for Cal Berkeley Health Care Professionals – Transgender Clinical Care Across the Lifespan, June 3, 2014

Training for Stanford Medical Residents, Transgender Care Across the Lifespan, August 2013

Report for Transgender Law Center petitioning nondiscrimination of transgender pilot, December 2010.

Report for Prison Law Project Advocating Treatment for Transgender inmate August 2010.

Training for 3PAR Corporation, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, Feb 12, 2010.

All-day seminar for psychotherapists on Gender Variant and Transgender Identities, Clinical and Ethical Issues in Bakersfield, California, February 27, 2009. For information on this seminar, see

Training for State Fund, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, June 2005.

Training for Primavera Corporation, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, Nov 17, 2003.

Staff Training on Transgender Issues, University Health Services, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, Oct. 8, 1999.

Staff Training on Transgender Health Care, Dept. of Veteran Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, April 15, 1998.

Two-Day Seminar on Gender Identity Issues for doctoral psychology students at CSPP (with Dr. William Henkin), 1995-1997.

Training of members of Episcopal Church regarding transitioning member, Benicia, CA Jan. 1997.

Training for Naval Post Graduate School regarding transitioning TG Employee, May 24 1996.

Training for State Fund regarding transitioning executive employee, San Francisco and Los Angeles, May 1995.

Prior to 1995, I did trainings at San Quentin, Family Therapy Institute of Marin, San Francisco State University Departments of Counseling as well as Psychology among others. Served as professional advisor to lawyers and as expert witness in various court cases relating to trans issues.


SOC8 -Competencies to Write Letters of Support, EPATH, April 27 2017, presented by Dr. Gail Knudson MD, Belgrade Serbia

USPATH and GEI Los Angeles, CA, Jan 31 – Feb 5 2017

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations

Opening Recap, Jan 31, 2017

Advanced Mental Health, Psychotherapy in the SOC and Across the Lifespan of Transgender Adults, WPATH Perspectives Feb 1, 2017

GEI Documentation and Letter Writing Feb 2, 2017

Building an Adolescent Program (Moderator) with Saint Francis Transgender Health Program Group Feb 3, 2017

From WPATH to USPATH, Reflections on our History and Heritage with Drs. Scott Mosser and Jamison Green _ Feb 3, 2017

Trauma, Complex Cases and the Role of Psychotherapy (Discussant) with Drs. SJ Langer, Jack Pula and Aron Janssen – Feb 4, 2017

SOC 8 Forum with Drs. Dan Karasic, Eli Coleman, Loren Schechter, Vin Tangpricha, Nate Sharon – Feb 5, 2017

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, Arlington, Virginia, Dec 3, 4 2016

Advanced Psychotherapy with Dr Faughn Adams

Letter Writing and Documentation with Dr Gail Knudson

Standards of Care

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, Ft Lauderdale Sept 27, 2016

GEI Welcome to the Course

GEI Advanced Course- Best Practices in Mental Health, Psychotherapy Across the Adult Lifespan, September 27, 2016

Standards of Care 8

A Day long Training, WPATH, JPATH, Global Education Initiative July 2016 International Congress of Psychology Yokohama, Japan, July 23, 2016

Psychotherapy Across the Lifespan of Transgender Adults

Introduction to WPATH and the Standards of Care with Drs Gail Knudson, Yuko Higashi, Jun Koh, Scott Leibowitz,

WPATH Symposium Amsterdam, June 17-21, 2016

WPATH Standards of Care, Evolution Over the Years 1979-present,

Trauma, Complex Cases and the Role of Psychotherapy with Drs. SJ Langer and Aron Janssen.

Global Education Initiative Pre-Course Moderator

Global Education Initiative Co-Chair Global Competency meeting

Building Best Care for Gender Nonconforming People Across the Lifespan: Aging, April 14, 2016, California Psychological Association, Continuing Education Institute, Los Angeles, Ca.

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, Springfield, MO- Mar 30- Apr 1

Psychotherapy Across the Lifespan

Standards of Care

Letter Writing and Documentation with Dr Faughn Adams

Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, Global Education Initiative Foundations, Atlanta – Jan 20-23 2016

Course Intro with Dr. Gail Knudson

Standards of Care with Dr. Gail Knudson

WPATH Past, Present, Future with Drs. Gail Knudson & Jamison Green

Psychotherapy in the SOC and Across the Lifespan

WPATH, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Best Practices In Medical and Mental Health Care, WPATH Global Education Initiative, Chicago, Illinois, Nov 7, 2015 (with Drs. Gail Knudson & Jamison Green)

Psychotherapy, Transgender Health, Best Practices In Medical and Mental Health Care, WPATH Global Education Initiative, Chicago, Illinois, Nov 6 2015.

From Treating Transsexualism to Promoting Transgender Health, WPATH History and Professional Evolution, Transgender Beyond Disorder, New Paradigms and SOC7 with Dr. Jamison Green.SFSU Summer Institute, San Francisco, CA, June 19, 2015.

Psychotherapy with the Aging Transgender Client, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 18, 2015

WPATH Perspectives on Major Issues in Trans Health (Moderator), National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 17, 2015

Emergent Issues, Controversies and Ethics as we evolve outside the binary. National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 17, 2015

Standards of Care 7.x: Questions for the Next Revision, European Professional Association for Transgender Health 1st Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, Mar 13, 2015

President’s Welcome Plenary, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok Thailand, February 15, 2014.

Long-term Psychotherapy in Advances in Transgender Care, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, February 15, 2014

Psychotherapy from the Heart in the WPATH Standards of Care, Invited Plenary, World Association for Sexual Health 21st Conference, Porto Alegre, Brasil, September 23rd, 2013

Opening Plenary (delivered via Skype), 1st Trans Care Conference for the Confederation of Independent States, Moscow, Russia, November 11, 2013

Opening Welcome Plenary at National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Interdisciplinary complex cases, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

WPATH Global Education Initiative, Panel on Transgender Education and Training, National Transgender Health summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Advanced Psychotherapy Cases with Trans People, Moderator, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Shifting Paradigms: Breaking with Pathology, Affirming Gender Diversity.  Keynote Address, CPATH Biennial Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada Sept 22 2012.

Transgender Beyond Disorder: WPATH, New Paradigms & Global Connections, WPATH/UCSF/CENESEX, Forum at SFGH, May 23 2012

Transgender Care Across the Lifespan: Psychotherapy and Aging. AAGP Annual Meeting, Washington DC, March 18, 2012

Transgender Beyond Disorder: New Paradigms and the SOC7 in II Colloquium “Trans Identidades, Género y Cultura”.  The 6th Cuban Congress on Sexual Education, Counseling and Therapy, Havana, Cuba, January 24, 2012.

Meet the Presidents, WPATH Vision and Goals, with Jamison Green PhD and Walter Bockting PhD, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, September 28, 2011.

Implementation of version 7 of the WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, with the SOC7 Writing Committee, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, September 28, 2011.

Plans for the 2014 WPATH International Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA September 26, 2011.

Transgender mental health care across the lifespan, Aging and the transgender person, WPATH 2011 Biennial Symposium, Atlanta, GA. September 26, 2011

Launch of version 7 of the WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, Plenary with Eli Coleman PhD, WPATH 2011 Biennial Symposium, Atlanta GA, September 26, 2011.

WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, with Jamison Green PhD, Eli Coleman, PhD, Jamie Feldman MD, WPATH Sponsored Symposium at Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Site, Atlanta, GA, September 23, 2011

Observations about transgender people: 40 Years of Practice as a gender therapist, Presentation at Southern Comfort Conference, Atlanta, GA, September 22, 2011.

 WPATH Day-to-Day, then and now, Standards of Care and trans men Keynote at the Robert Eads Health Fair, Atlanta, GA. September 22, 2011.

WPATH Day-to-Day, Professionals Workshop at Gender Spectrum Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 29, 2011.

Mental Health Care Across the Lifespan, Psychotherapy and Aging, American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011

Mental Health Care Across the Lifespan, Psychotherapy and Aging, Plenary Lunch, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

Co-Occurring Mental Health Issues in Transpeople: DID and GID with Dan Karasic MD, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

WPATH Symposium with Walter Bockting PhD and Jamison Green PhD, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

Transgender Mental Health Issues. Transgender Health Lecture Series (for medical students), UCSF, February 2, 2011.

Transgender Care Across the Lifespan, Aging and the Transgender Person, Northern California Psychiatric Society Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, Mar 21, 2010.

Transition Issues for Transpeople with Dissociative Identity Disorder (with Dan Karasic MD), XXI Biennial Symposium, WPATH, Oslo, June 20, 2009.

Transgender Identity Development and Depression, Pre-Symposium for CME Credit, XX Biennial Symposium, WPATH, Chicago, Sept 5, 2007.

2007 Web-Based Transgender Care, Ethical and Clinical Considerations, Plenary Lecture, XX Biennial Symposium, WPATH, Chicago, Sept 7, 2007.

Shadow Side of the Paradigm Shift; When Politically Correct is not Psychologically Correct. Panel presentation at the 19th International Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Bologna, Italy, April 6-9, 2005.

The Transgender Phenomenon: Psychodynamic Viewpoint. Opening Plenary lecture presented at the 18th International Symposium of the Harry Benjamin international Gender Dysphoria Association, Gent, Belgium, Sept. 10-13, 2003.

Psychotherapy With Transgender People/ Across the Lifespan. Plenary Lecture presented at Association of Gay & Lesbian Psychiatrists pre APA Conference “Beyond Coming Out, LGBT Mental Health Across the Lifespan”, San Francisco, CA, May 17, 2003.

Providing Therapeutic Care Outside the Binary Gender System. Plenary Panel at the 17th International Symposium of the HBIGDA, Galveston, Texas, Oct.31-Nov.4, 2001.

Nurturing the Emotional, Moral, and Spiritual Development of Boys. Paper presented at the National Association of Episcopal Schools Biennial Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 17, 2000.

What About Boys? The Case for Single-Sex Education: One School’s Perspective. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Boys School Coalition Conference “Bridge to the Future: Mentoring Boys in the New Millennium”. San Francisco, CA. June 25-28, 2000.

Transgender Identity Development. Paper presented at Transgender Care Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 5, 2000.

Normative Transgender Identity Development. Paper presented at the California Dreamin’ Conference, April 2000.

Can Same-Sex Schooling Survive? Speaker at the Forum at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA, May 17, 1999.

Psychotherapy with TG People: A Jungian Perspective. Paper presented to American Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 1998.

Observations About Transgender People. Paper presented at California Dreamin’ Conference, San Francisco, CA May 1998.

A Transgender Issues Consultation Group in the San Francisco Bay Area. Panel member at the 15th International Symposium of the HBIGDA, Vancouver, Canada, Sept 1997.

Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Psychotherapy, Paper presented at the 1st FTM International Conference, San Francisco, Ca. April 1997.

Earlier presentations for the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Conference on Sexual Compulsivity, Addiction, ETVC and other trans organizations, Pan American World Airways among others.

Public and Professional Service

Participant in Story Corps with Walter Bockting recorded in LA at USPATH Feb 4, 2017 interviewed by Maya Chung

WADA Document – 2017 World Anti-Doping Agency, Consultant on Document Relating to Appropriate Hormone Use of Trans Individuals

WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health): President 2011-2014. President-Elect 2009-2011.Global Education Initiative, Co-Chair 2013- present. Development Committee, Co-Chair- 2013- present. Board of Directors 2007-present.  SOC7 (2012) (Standards of Care) co-author. Responsibilities included Adult Psychotherapy and Web-Based Transgender Care. SOC7.5x- Revision committee- current.

Conference Co- Chair, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand. February 2014

Co-Chair Mental Health Track, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Technical Consultation for the development of Blueprint for provision of care to Transgender persons in Latin America and the Caribbean- Group Member, sponsored by PAHO, Washington DC, Dec 19-21-2011. Trinidad, Spring 2013.

Asian Pacific Trans Health Blueprint, Reviewer, April 2015

Journal of Sexual Medicine- Reviewer, 2013-current.

International Journal of Transgenderism: Editorial Board, 2006-present; reader and reviewer.

Conference on Family Law: Consultant/Participant, June 2006.

Transgender Mental Health Guidelines: Reviewer 2005.

Cathedral School for Boys: Board of Trustees, 1996-2002, Chair-Education Policy Committee, 1997-2002, Chair and Founder, Gender Issues and Boys Study Committee, 1997-2002,Cathedral School for Boys: Consultant and Co-Chair, Boys Study Committee- 2005-2008.

Duke University: Alumni Admissions Interviewer for Northern California- 2002-present.

The Urban School of San Francisco: Senior Endowment Committee, Chair 2003-2004, Diversity Committee, 2000-2004, Nominating Committee Chair-2002-2004.

Church Divinity School of the Pacific: reader for doctoral dissertation on “The Spiritual Life of Boys”? 2004.

University of California San Francisco, Supervisor of Psychiatry Resident, 1998.

California School of Professional Psychology Adjunct Faculty, 1995-1997, Co- taught course – Gender Identity Issues.

TGSF (Transgender San Francisco, formerly ETVC); professional advisor and consultant for phone line for transgender peer counseling, 1990-1992.

Bay Area Gender Associates (BAGA): founder and participant: 1986 – current.

Pacific Center, Group Facilitator, TV/TS Rap Group, 1978-1981.

Lone Mountain (University of San Francisco) Adjunct Faculty, 1979-1981.



The Case of John Brown 2007 Form Media, UK, Channel 1.

Sex Change, Her to Him 2006 Beyond, Australia.

Changing Sexes, Follow-up 2005 Discovery Channel Changing Sexes, Female to Male 2003 Discovery Channel.

Changing Sexes, Male to Female 2002 Discovery Channel.

The Blank Point- What is Transsexualism? 1992 Award-winning Independent Film.

A Question of Gender 1986 Independent Film.

Easing Stress 1979 Pan Am Training Film.


Interviewed on CNN, Discovery Channel, KPFA, KTVU, Learning Channel, KPIX and others Print Media Interviewed for San Francisco Chronicle, Bay Times, Independent, Guardian, CNN Print Version, Blender, Baltimore Sun, New York Times, XPress and others.

Nonprofessional training:

Outward Bound School, Colorado Summer 1976; Yosemite Mountaineering School 1977; Advanced First Aid Teacher and Emergency Medicine Training 1978; Mountain Medicine and Outdoor Survival Skills Training 1979; Private Pilot Instruction & Solo Flight 1972.

International/Intercultural/Future Directions

One of youngest transatlantic commercial airline passengers- America to UK 1947. Expat for many years.  Lived in Wales and Brazil as a child.  Visited parents in Mexico and Iran as young adult. Much international travel my entire life.

Conversant in Spanish and Portuguese.

Pan American World Airways, 1967-1976.  Flight Attendant. Taken off flight status for 2 years to develop training programs in Communication for PAA Flight Service, Course Developer, Train the Trainer and Video Producer on Communication and Cross Cultural Communication, 1976-1979.

Foreign Language Institute, Moscow, USSR-Winter-1970.

Tom Dooley Foundation (now InterMed): volunteer researcher in remote mountain villages in Nepal, 1974-5.

Kibbutz Menara: volunteer in upper Galilee, Israel, summer 1973

Member – World Affairs Council.

Future plans include continued travel and doing international training and therapy online.


Married, one child.

Primary interests include people, cultures, world affairs, travel, reading, cooking and technology.


Old CV

Lin Fraser Ed.D.

2538 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94115


Psychotherapist in private practice 1976-present.


Duke University, B.A. Psychology (in 3 years) 1967 Summer School: Stanford University, Radcliffe College.

San Francisco State University, M.A. Counseling 1975.

University of San Francisco, Ed.D. Counseling Psychology 1991.

Post-Graduate Training

Internships: Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic, 1972; Fort Help, 1973-1979.

Postgraduate Professional Training: Human Sexuality Training, UCSF and San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute; National Council on Alcoholism Professional Training; Family Therapy Institute of Marin; San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute Yearlong Program for Professionals; C.G. Jung Institute Seminars for Professionals.

Specialized training and certification in online counseling.

Consultation: Group Consultation: Bay Area Gender Associates, 1986-current.  Individual consultation: Paul Walker PhD, founding President of HBIGDA, 1983-1986. Jean Shinoda Bolen M.D, Author, Activist and Jungian Analyst, 1986 to present.

Certification and License

California Marriage and Family Therapist, MFT8288, 1976.

Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, LPCC1816, 2015.

National Certified Counselor, NCC 17402 , 1987.

Pupil Personnel Worker, California Community College System,Instructor, Psychology, California Community College System, 1975.

Distance Certified Counselor, DCC 553, (Internet Counseling Credential), 2006.

Mental Health Facilitator, MHF (Credential in Capacity Building in Mental Health Skills), 2015.

Public and Professional Service

WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health): President 2011-2014. President-Elect 2009-2011. Board of Directors 2007-present. .Global Education Initiative, Co-Chair 2013- present. Development Committee, Co-Chair- 2013- present.  SOC7 (Standards of Care) Writing Committee; Responsibilities include Adult Psychotherapy and Web-Based Transgender Care, 2006-current. Update Co-Editor (with Jamison Green and Gail Knudson): WPATH Newsletter, President’s Notes Writer

Asian Pacific Trans Health Blueprint, Reviewer, April 2015

Conference Co- Chair, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand. February 2014

Co-Chair Mental Health Track, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Host and Chair of  WPATH Strategic Planning Meeting II,  Hotel Serrano, San Francisco, CA, February 1,2, 2013.

Host of WPATH International ICD Consensus Process to advise the World Health Organization on the Gender Diagnoses for  ICD-11, Hotel Serrano, San Francisco, CA, February 3-4,2013.

Chair of WPATH Strategic Planning I, University Of Ghent Hospital Atrium, Ghent, Belgium, April 27,28, 2012.

Technical Consultation for the development of Blueprint for provision of care to Transgender persons in Latin America and the Caribbean- Group Member, sponsored by PAHO, Washington DC, Dec 19-21-2011.

International Journal of Transgenderism: Editorial Board, 2006-present; reader and reviewer.

Conference on Family Law: Consultant/Participant, June 2006.

Transgender Mental Health Guidelines: Reviewer 2005.

Cathedral School for Boys: Board of Trustees, 1996-2002, Chair-Education Policy Committee, 1997-2002, Chair and Founder, Gender Issues and Boys Study Committee, 1997-2002,Cathedral School for Boys: Consultant and Co-Chair, Boys Study Committee- 2005-2008.

Duke University: Alumni Admissions Interviewer for Northern California- 2002-present.

The Urban School of San Francisco: Senior Endowment Committee, Chair 2003-2004, Diversity Committee, 2000-2004, Nominating Committee Chair-2002-2004.

Church Divinity School of the Pacific: reader for doctoral dissertation on “The Spiritual Life of Boys” 2004.

University of California San Francisco, Supervisor of Psychiatry Resident, 1998.

California School of Professional Psychology Adjunct Faculty, 1995-1997, Co- taught course – Gender Identity Issues.

TGSF (Transgender San Francisco, formerly ETVC); professional advisor and consultant for phone line for transgender peer counseling, 1990-1992.

Bay Area Gender Associates (BAGA): founder and participant: 1986 – current.

Pacific Center, Group Facilitator, TV/TS Rap Group, 1978-1981.

Lone Mountain (University of San Francisco)Adjunct Faculty, 1979-1981.

Professional Associations

WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) formerly HBIGDA (Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association), founding professional member  and  President (2011-2014).

APA (American Psychological Association), clinical member,  Division 46 (Media Psychology) , Division 52 (International Psychology), Divisions 39 (Psychoanalysis), Division 44 (LGBT),  Division 36 (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality).

CAMFT (California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists), clinical member.

ISMHO (International Society Mental Health Online)– member.

Publications and Internet




Fraser, L (2015) Standards of Care, Transgender Health, The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, First Edition. Edited by Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Fraser, L & Knudson, G (2015) Gender Dysphoria and Transgender Health in ABC of Sexual Health, 3rd Edition. Wylie, K (ed). Wiley.

Fraser, L (2015). Gender Dysphoria: Definition and Evolution Through the Years in Management of Gender Dysphoria, A Multidisciplinary Approach. Eds. Carlo Trombetta, Springer,

WPATH Standards of Care, Version 7 2011. I am one of 10 members on the writing committee.

Coleman,E., Bockting,W., Botzer, M., Cohen-Kettenis, P., DeCuypere,G., Feldman, J., Fraser, L., Knudson, G., Meyer, W.J., Monstrey, S.(2011) Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming People, Version 7. International Journal of Transgenderism, 13:165-232.

Fraser, L, Recommendations for Revision of the DSM Diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder in Adults. International Journal of Transgenderism, 12:80-85 (with Drs. Dan Karasic, Walter Meyer and Kevan Wylie).

Fraser, Lin (2009) Etherapy: Ethical and Clinical Considerations for Version 7 of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s Standards of Care. International Journal of Transgenderism; Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 247-263.

Fraser, Lin (2009) Depth psychotherapy with transgender people. Sexual and  Relationship Therapy, 24:2,126 — 142).

Fraser, Lin (2009) Psychotherapy in the Standards of Care, International Journal of Transgenderism, 1434-4599, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 110 – 126.

Classification, Assessment and Management of Gender Identity Disorders in the Adult Male: A Manual for Counselors, 1991, Doctoral Dissertation, University of San Francisco.

Transgender Identity Issues, A Binder for Graduate Students (with William Henkin, Ph.D.), 1996.

Therapy with Transgender People Across the Life Span (edited version) Division 44 Newsletter, Summer 2005.

Therapy with Transgender People Across the Life Span (expanded version) ACA AGLBIC Newsletter 2006.

Can Same Sex-Schooling Survive? A Forum at Grace Cathedral

Addressing Psycho-Social Issues in the Transgender Client, Transgender Care Conference May 2000.

Observations About Transgender People, Talk at ETVC, 1991



The Case of John Brown 2007 Form Media, UK, Channel 1.

Sex Change, Her to Him 2006 Beyond, Australia.

Changing Sexes, Follow-up 2005 Discovery Channel Changing Sexes, Female to Male 2003 Discovery Channel.

Changing Sexes, Male to Female 2002 Discovery Channel.

The Blank Point- What is Transsexualism? 1992 Award-winning Independent Film.

A Question of Gender 1986 Independent Film.

Easing Stress 1979 Pan Am Training Film.


Interviewed on CNN, Discovery Channel, KPFA, KTVU, Learning Channel, KPIX and others Print Media Interviewed for San Francisco Chronicle, Bay Times, Independent, Guardian, CNN Print Version, Blender, Baltimore Sun, New York Times, XPress and others.

Training/ Consulting/ Legal

Consultant to Benefits Department, Oracle Corporation, May 2015

Expert witness in Domainlor Cabading vs. Cal Baptist University, July 2014.

Training for Cal Berkeley Health Care Professionals- Transgender Clinical Care Across the Lifespan June 3, 2014

Training for Stanford Medical Residents, Transgender Care Across the Lifespan, August 2013

Report for Transgender Law Center petitioning nondiscrimination of transgender pilot, December 2010.

Report for Prison Law Project Advocating Treatment for Transgender inmate August 2010.

Training for  3PAR Corporation, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, Feb 12, 2010.

All-day seminar for psychotherapists on Gender Variant and Transgender Identities, Clinical and Ethical Issues, in Bakersfield, California, February 27, 2009. For information on this seminar, see

Training for State Fund, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, June 2005.

Training for Primavera Corporation, informational session regarding a transgender employee transitioning in the workplace, Nov 17, 2003.

Staff Training on Transgender Issues, University Health Services, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, Oct. 8, 1999.

Staff Training on Transgender Health Care, Dept. of Veteran Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, April 15, 1998.

Two-Day Seminar on Gender Identity Issues for doctoral psychology students at CSPP (with Dr. William Henkin), 1995-1997.

Training of members of Episcopal Church regarding transitioning member, Benicia, CA Jan. 1997.

Training for Naval Post Graduate School regarding transitioning TG Employee, May 24 1996.

Training for State Fund regarding transitioning executive employee, San Francisco and Los Angeles, May 1995.

Prior to 1995, I did trainings at San Quentin, Family Therapy Institute of Marin, San Francisco State University Departments of Counseling as well as Psychology among others.Served as professional advisor to lawyers and as expert witness in various court cases relating to trans issues.


WPATH, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, WPATH Global Education Initiative, Chicago, Illinois, November 7, 2015 (with Drs. Gail Knudson & Jamison Green).

Psychotherapy, Transgender Health, Best Practices in Medical and Mental Health Care, WPATH Global Education Initiative, Chicago, Illinois, November 6, 2015.

From Treating Transsexualism to Promoting Transgender Health, WPATH History and Professional Evolution, Transgender Beyond Disorder, New Paradigms and SOC7. SFSU Summer Institute, San Francisco, CA, June 19, 2015.

Psychotherapy with the Aging Transgender Client, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 18, 2015

WPATH Perspectives on Major Issues in Trans Health (Moderator), National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 17, 2015

Emergent Issues, Controversies and Ethics as we evolve outside the binary. National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, April 17, 2015

Standards of Care 7.x: Questions for the Next Revision, European Professional Association for Transgender Health 1st Symposium, Ghent, Belgium, Mar 13, 2015

President’s Welcome Plenary, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok Thailand, February 15, 2014.

Long-term Psychotherapy in Advances in Transgender Care, WPATH 23rd International Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand, February 15, 2014

Psychotherapy from the Heart in the WPATH Standards of Care, Invited Plenary, World Association for Sexual Health 21st Conference, Porto Alegre, Brasil, September 23rd, 2013

Opening Plenary (delivered via Skype), 1st Trans Care Conference for the Confederation of Independent States, Moscow, Russia, November 11, 2013

Opening Welcome Plenary at National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Interdisciplinary complex cases, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

WPATH Global Education Initiative, Panel on Transgender Education and Training, National Transgender Health summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Advanced Psychotherapy Cases with Trans People, Moderator, National Transgender Health Summit, Oakland, CA, Spring 2013.

Shifting Paradigms: Breaking with Pathology,  Affirming Gender Diversity.  Keynote Address, CPATH Biennial Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada Sept 22 2012.

Transgender Beyond Disorder: WPATH, New Paradigms & Global Connections, WPATH/UCSF/CENESEX, Forum at SFGH, May 23 2012

Transgender Care Across the Lifespan: Psychotherapy and Aging. AAGP Annual Meeting, Washington DC, March 18, 2012

Transgender Beyond Disorder: New Paradigms and the SOC7 in II Colloquium “Trans Identidades, Género y Cultura”.  The 6th Cuban Congress on Sexual Education, Counseling and Therapy , Havana, Cuba, January 24, 2012.

Meet the Presidents, WPATH Vision and Goals, with Jamison Green PhD and Walter Bockting PhD, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, September 28, 2011.

Implementation of version 7 of the WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, with the SOC7 Writing Committee, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, September 28, 2011.

Plans for the 2014 WPATH International Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand, WPATH 2011 International Symposium, Atlanta, GA September 26, 2011.

Transgender mental health care across the lifespan, Aging and the transgender person, WPATH 2011 Biennial Symposium, Atlanta, GA. September 26, 2011

Launch of version 7 of the WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, Plenary with Eli ColemanPhD, WPATH 2011 Biennial Symposium, Atlanta GA, September 26, 2011.

WPATH Standards of Care for Transgender Health, with Jamison Green PhD, Eli Coleman, PhD, Jamie Feldman MD, WPATH Sponsored Symposium at Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Site, Atlanta, GA, September 23, 2011

Observations about transgender people: 40 Years of Practice as a gender therapist, Presentation at Southern Comfort Conference,Atlanta, GA,  September 22, 2011.

 WPATH Day-to-Day,then and now, Standards of Care and transmen, Keynote at the Robert Eads Health  Fair, Atlanta, GA, September 22, 2011.

WPATH Day-to-Day, Professionals Workshop at Gender Spectrum Conference, Berkeley, CA, July 29, 2011.

Mental Health Care Across the Lifespan, Psychotherapy and Aging, American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 2011

Mental Health Care Across the Lifespan, Psychotherapy and Aging, Plenary Lunch, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

Co-Occurring Mental Health Issues in Transpeople: DID and GID with Dan Karasic MD, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

WPATH Symposium with Walter Bockting PhD and Jamison Green PhD, National Transgender Health Summit, San Francisco, CA April 9, 2011.

Transgender Mental Health Issues. Transgender Health Lecture Series (for medical students), UCSF, February 2, 2011.

Transgender Care Across the Lifespan, Aging and the Transgender Person, Northern California Psychiatric Society Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, Mar 21, 2010.

Transition Issues for Transpeople with Dissociative Identity Disorder (with Dan Karasic MD), XXI Biennial Symposium, WPATH, Oslo, June 20, 2009.

Transgender Identity Development and Depression, Pre-Symposium for CME Credit, XX Biennial Symposiom, WPATH, Chicago, Sept 5, 2007.

2007 Web-Based Transgender Care, Ethical and Clinical Considerations, Plenary Lecture, XX Biennial Symposium, WPATH, Chicago, Sept 7, 2007.

Shadow Side of the Paradigm Shift; When Politically Correct is not Psychologically Correct. Panel presentation at the 19th International Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Bologna, Italy, April 6-9, 2005.

The Transgender Phenomenon: Psychodynamic Viewpoint. Opening Plenary lecture presented at the 18th International Symposium of the Harry Benjamin international Gender Dysphoria Association, Gent, Belgium, Sept. 10-13, 2003.

Psychotherapy With Transgender People/ Across the Lifespan. Plenary Lecture presented at Association of Gay & Lesbian Psychiatrists pre APA Conference “Beyond Coming Out, LGBT Mental Health Across the Lifespan”, San Francisco, CA, May 17, 2003.

Providing Therapeutic Care Outside the Binary Gender System. Plenary Panel at the 17th International Symposium of the HBIGDA, Galveston, Texas, Oct.31-Nov.4, 2001.

Nurturing the Emotional, Moral, and Spiritual Development of Boys. Paper presented at the National Association of Episcopal Schools Biennial Conference, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 17, 2000.

What About Boys? The Case for Single-Sex Education: One School’s Perspective. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Boys School Coalition Conference “Bridge to the Future: Mentoring Boys in the New Millennium”. San Francisco, CA. June 25-28, 2000.

Transgender Identity Development. Paper presented at Transgender Care Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 5, 2000.

Normative Transgender Identity Development. Paper presented at the California Dreamin’ Conference, April 2000.

Can Same-Sex Schooling Survive? Speaker at the Forum at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA, May 17, 1999.

Psychotherapy with TG People: A Jungian Perspective. Paper presented to American Psychological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, August 1998.

Observations About Transgender People. Paper presented at California Dreamin’ Conference, San Francisco, CA May 1998.

A Transgender Issues Consultation Group in the San Francisco Bay Area. Panel member at the 15th International Symposium of the HBIGDA, Vancouver, Canada, Sept 1997.

Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Psychotherapy, Paper presented at the 1st FTM International Conference, San Francisco, Ca. April 1997.

Earlier presentations for the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Conference on Sexual Compulsivity, Addiction, ETVC and other trans organizations, Pan American World Airways among others.

Nonprofessional training:

Outward Bound School, Colorado Summer 1976; Yosemite Mountaineering School 1977; Advanced First Aid Teacher and Emergency Medicine Training 1978; Mountain Medicine and Outdoor Survival Skills Training 1979; Private Pilot Instruction & Solo Flight 1972.

International/Intercultural/Future Directions

One of youngest transatlantic commercial airline passengers- America to UK 1947. Expat for many years.  Lived in Wales and Brazil as a child.  Visited parents in Mexico and Iran as young adult. Much international travel my entire life.

Conversant in Spanish and Portuguese.

Pan American World Airways, 1967-1976.  Flight Attendant. Taken off flight status for 2 years to develop training programs in Communications for PanAm Flight Service, Course Developer, Train the Trainer and Video Producer on Communication and Cross Cultural Communication, 1976-1979.

Foreign Language Institute, Moscow, USSR-Winter-1970.

Tom Dooley Foundation (now InterMed): volunteer researcher in remote mountain villages in Nepal, 1974-5.

Kibbutz Menara: volunteer in upper Galilee, Israel, summer 1973

Member-World Affairs Council.

Future plans include continued travel and doing international training and therapy online.


Married, one child.

Primary interests include people, cultures, world affairs, travel, reading, cooking and technology.

Dr. Lin Fraser
204 Clement Street @ 3rd
San Francisco, CA 94118

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