Airline Personnel

I also specialize in working with airline personnel.

Working for an airline, especially as a crew member, has many rewards, but  generates unique problems as well.

The long hours crossing multiple time zones, unpredictable schedules, disrupted biological clocks, time away from home, demands of a service industry, etc., can create havoc on emotional and physical well-being. Relationships suffer and any semblance of a “normal life” at home can be challenging. Even for those “working on the ground” the demands of the airline industry prove daunting.

I have extensive knowledge of psychological concerns affecting flight crew and other airline personnel as  I have a history of working for Pan Am for 12 years, first as a flight attendant and then as a course developer and trainer. I did my master’s thesis on the relationship of jet lag to personality changes in flight crew. Hence I have both the personal history and professional experience to address the unique concerns of airline personnel.



Dr. Lin Fraser
204 Clement Street @ 3rd
San Francisco, CA 94118

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© 2025 Dr Lin Fraser