WPATH Presentation at 6to Congreso Havana Cuba 1/23/12
This is a movie slideshow of the invited WPATH Symposium in Cuba featuring Drs. Lin Fraser, Walter Bockting (presented by Lin Fraser), Gail Knudson, Dan Karasic and Jamison Green. Each slide lasts 4 seconds and the Dr. Bockting audio begins at 1:55. You can move around or pause as you wish.
We were invited to present at the 6to Congreso Cubano de Educacion, Orientacion y Terapia Sexual, by Ms. Mariela Castro Espin and Dr. Alberto Roque Guerra of El Centro Nacional de Educacion Sexual (CENESEX). We had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience and were shown the most wonderful hospitality. In addition to the WPATH Symposium, WPATH members Drs. Herbert Schreier, Diane Ehrensaft, and Thomas Steensma presented on gender nonconforming children and adolescents, Dr. Cameron Bowman presented on FTM Chest Surgery and photographer Mariette Pathy Allen took pictures.
Downloadable resources: Keynote | Powerpoint (coming soon)
Thank you so much for this post. I have been struggling with dyhpsoria concerning my chest for a long time, but because I am not male-identified, I assumed that there wouldn’t be any way for me to do anything about that, beyond binding. Whether or not I decide to go through with top surgery, I feel so much better knowing that I have the option to do it.